If you are looking for Bobcat mt100 vs mt85, we have prepared a mini comparison list for you. The specifications for the Bobcat MT100 and MT85 are listed below. These specifications may differ depending on the model and year of manufacture. Before making a purchase, always confirm the specifications with your dealer. You can view more detailed specs for the loaders by clicking on the links below the image. Please let us know if there is a feature that you would like to see in the table, and we will add it as soon as possible. Your notifications enable us to be a more useful resource. Thank you for taking the time today to visit our website.
Bobcat Mt85
Bobcat Mt100
Rating Operating Capacity 35% tipping
850 lbs
1000 lbs
Operating Weight
3100 lbs
3400 lbs
Tipping Load
2450 lbs
2900 lbs
25.0 HP
25.0 HP
Max. Travel Speed
2.9 mph
4.0 mph
Hydraulic Pump Flow
12.0 GPM
12.0 GPM
Optional High Flow
Bucket Hinge Pin
80.9 in.
80.9 in.
Ground Pressure
4.9 psi
5.2 psi
The Bobcat MT100 and MT85 are two popular models among compact loaders. Both machines are designed for effective work in confined spaces, but have some differences in performance and specs.
Bobcat MT100
Higher Lifting Capacity
The MT100 has a higher lifting capacity compared to its predecessor, the MT85.This provides more power and increases productivity when moving heavy loads.
Advanced Controls
Equipped with more modern and user-friendly controls.This feature allows operators to control the loader with more precision.
Wider Pallet Surface
This model offers better stability with a wider track surface, which provides a safer working environment on soft or uneven ground.
Slightly Higher Cost
The MT100 may have a slightly higher cost than the MT85 due to its newer and more advanced features.
Increased Size
Due to its advanced features and performance, the MT100 can be slightly larger and heavier than the MT85, which can make it difficult to maneuver in some very tight spaces.
Bobcat MT85
More Compact Design
Smaller and more compact, making it ideal for working in very tight spaces. Its small dimensions also make it easier to transport and store.
Lower Cost
The MT85 is generally more affordable, making it a budget-friendly option. It can be particularly attractive for small projects and entry-level users.
High Maneuverability
Thanks to its lightweight construction and compact design, the MT85 offers high maneuverability in tight spaces, which is an advantage for precision work.
Lower Lifting Capacity
It has a lower lifting capacity than the MT100, which can be a disadvantage for heavier jobs.
Older Technology
Compared to the MT100, the MT85 is an older model, so it lacks some advanced features and control systems can be more basic.
In fact, the most distinguishing specifications of these two mini compact loaders is their lifting capacity. If you need more power at this size, the MT100 is the right choice. But if you don’t want to strain your budget and won’t lift very heavy loads, the Mt85 may be for you.