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Bobcat T770 Vs T870

For your convenience, a fast comparison chart between the Bobcat T770 and the Bobcat T870 has been produced. The Bobcat T770 and the Bobcat T870 both have their own unique set of features, which are shown in the following table. These specs could change depending on the model and the year of manufacture. Always confirm the specifications with your dealer before making a purchase so there are no surprises. You are able to view the loaders’ specs in greater depth by clicking on the links that are located beneath the image. Please let us know if there is a particular feature that you would like to have included in the table, and we will add it as soon as we are able to do so. We are able to become a more valuable resource as a result of your alerts. We are grateful that you have chosen to spend some of your days looking at our website.

Bobcat T770Bobcat T870
Rating Operating Capacity
50% tipping
4960 lbs5200 lbs
Operating Weight10327 lbs12925 lbs
Tipping Load9929 lbs10396 lbs
Horsepower92.0 HP100.0 HP
Max. Travel Speed10.7 mph11.4 mph
Hydraulic Pump Flow23.0 GPM23.0 GPM
Optional High Flow36.5 GPM36.6 GPM
Bucket Hinge Pin132.0 in.144.0 in.
Ground Pressure4.2 psi4.8 psi